Jerome Courshon

Jerome Courshon

I’m Jerome Courshon, renowned Distribution Expert for the past 15 years, based in Los Angeles. I have taught & consulted over a thousand Directors / Producers / Filmmakers, helping them place their movies into the marketplace successfully. I also created the comprehensive 3-Day Distribution Program, “The Secrets to Film Distribution,” that you may have heard about. This Program teaches & shares how to achieve good distribution and navigate a literal minefield—because distribution is a massive field filled with countless landmines.

Landmines of corrupt distributors. Landmines of bad contracts. Landmines of not capping the expenses in your contract. And so on.

If you’ve talked to colleagues about distribution, you no doubt have heard at least a few horror stories. Or you’ve heard that many filmmakers never see revenue from their movie once placed with a distributor.

This is a broken “distribution model“ and it’s time for a new way. Very few distributors have embraced this new way—which is to honor you and assist you with having the best success possible for your movies. And where you earn the majority of the revenues for your movie, documentary or TV series.

Peruse my site here, but also feel free to take a look at my history with “The Secrets to Film Distribution” here. You can find articles I’ve written and interviews & podcasts I’ve been on.

By a Filmmaker / Producer, for Filmmakers / Producers.

(Note: I do not handle short films.)